john/manny timing of your london orchestra launch may 11? is a real problem- i understand you wont chose a global brand name for your app's update of coke's i would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony (brand media world's biggest previous attempt at this) by this monday's deadline in bangladesh
- but can IF you give it a project name - some 5 line description and write a letter to amy authorising her to represent it in asia
maurice (Franciscan Rome;s global communications youth director) needs similar empowerment from you now - the vatican uni uses musicians and tv anchors to stage youth world's number 1 intergenerational community building championship - maybe there is still time to vote you a prize in october - you have to ask maurice.. Cuenta Conmigo i explained to manny yesterday that Kim can fix anything at vatican if it actionably relates to his Preferential Option Poor partnership of Youth with the Pope
chuck/manny I have a story concept - can we say that amy as creative childrens special correspondent is interested in helping produce interviewing exchanges East to West of anyone who is trying to do jobenomics locally to the global market they have most knowledge of - my fathers work from 1962 was for naught if it wasnt that...the way dad and I see the media world that he parted from in 2010 is that we have got the worst of global and local markets instead of sustainable youths best
so look at global leader of almost any market- its measured to have the least exponentially sustainable purpose its sector could have especially regarding youth jobs
so if we are vaguely right. Jobenomics | Goal: Creating 20 Million Jobs By 2020 is the west's passport to what all sustainability youth and educators should be searching - chuck has the clearest franchise solutions from a usa viewpoint and sam the simplest tv channel - ten years of youth ambassador research by mostofa and I accelerated with naila's connections shows that brac is East's passport to sustainability youth -its partners collaboratively empower many of asia's most sustainable solutions in at least 10 critical markets banking health agriculture learning and so on -footnote 1
leapfrogging bridges BRAC needs are to brilliant apps wizards- it does have this already at MIT in leading the world of cashless banking Home | bKash (the declaration last month of digital learning nation bangladesh spirals the greatest opportunities and threats imaginable across the indian continent and up tro china ) naila knows the relevant apps wizards at MIT so would know if they are helping brac in other sectors than bank and in particular anything on open learning; if eg amy is permitted a brac U desk to do preparatory WorldYouythCommunity research before eg chuck and sir fazle do a tv program then she can open space across brac university who is trying to linkin wizard apps by sector and make an ask list of phone calls sir fazle and soros could make - eg jack ma
tanzila- can you give amy/mostofa/yuxuan any clues to sir fazle abed's son - it will be both amys and yuxuans first time in bangladesh
if i understood the 4 hours sir fazle roundtabled in memory of my father at japan embassy 2012 the pressure of sir fazle abed's son must now be immense
chris macrae - where do economists & educators most value or devalue children?
ps father foresaw 2 things if macroeconomics polutical chicanery got us into the sustainability crisis we are now
empower te half of youth living in the 1% of the planet within 3000 miles of beijing - if they can colaboratively action sustainability solutions then other half ought to manage out of the 99% rest of planet!
the intangible truth of history to date is any society's inter-generational sustainability is driven by which 16-30 year old women it celebrates most - bangladeshi mothers love of creative children as close a model as i can find to which under 30s china now need to socially value most - no pressure amy and yuxuan!
footnote 1 -if we can get emeraldplanettv on relevant international orbit then frances compaytriots and MITs app wizards would like to see a partnership with which has 80 journalist searching out which insdustry sectir leaders afre best for all of africas futures- the co-fopunder was with mo ibrahim when he launched his best of public servant prize so she has the right motivatiuons though how one models a sustainable tv braidcaster given the bbc world service failings is not something brits should be advising anyone on
From: Amy Chen <>
To: Chuck Vollmer <>
Cc: christopher macrae <>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 April 2016, 1:09
Subject: Re: Jobenomics Business Card
Hi Chuck,
Thanks for your trust and support in authorizing me a special assistant for Jobenomics in Bangladesh.
I would like to take this mission to expand Jobenomics to Asian. So now the important question is "how to successfully expand Jobenomics to BRAC first?"
As your special assistant, I would like to have some strategic advice from you.
The meeting with BRAC will be around April 16. I have a week to prepare.
Bangladesh is a developing country and America is a developed country. What can Jobenomics offer for Bangladesh, how to convince BRAC that we can use the Jobenomics concept to create millions of locally-owned small businesses for them?
Would you please send me some notes that I can bring to BRAC to play our role?
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Chuck Vollmer";<>;
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2016 04:34 AM
To: "Amy Chen"<>;
Cc: "'christopher macrae'"<>;
Subject: Jobenomics Business Card
Attached is your Jobenomics business card. Please inform me of any changes. You are free to represent Jobenomics from now to 1 January 2017. If you are successful in your travels to expand Jobenomics into Asia, I plan to offer you a full-time position to use the Jobenomics concept to create millions of locally-owned small businesses on the Asian continent. Sincerely,
Charles D. Vollmer
Jobenomics, Founder & President
1645 White Pine Drive
Vienna, VA 22182
703-319-2090 Direct
703-407-4747 Cell/Text